
The Story

Paris, prince of Troy, is invited by the Gods to judge which of the goddesses was the most beautiful because Zeus thought him fair in judgement.

He must choose between Aphrodite, Hera, or Athena (Venus, Juno, Minerva). The most beautiful goddess was entitled to the Golden Apple (thrown by Eris, god of Discord)

Aphrodite promises Paris the most beautiful woman in the world. Hera promises he will be King of all Europe and Asia. Athena promises him wisdom and prowess in battle

Paris chooses Aphrodite.

The most beautiful woman in the world was Helen, wife of Menelaus, and princess of Sparta. Paris visits Sparta, wins Helen’s love, and the two elope together while Menelaus is away. For the ensuing war that follows, the gods choose sides:

Hera, Athena, Poseidon = Side with The Greeks

Aphrodite, Apollo, Ares = Side with The Trojans

With Athena’s help the Greeks build the Trojan Horse

The only male to escape this war (on the Trojan side) is Aeneas, who is the son of Aphrodite.


The Judgement of Paris


Greek to Roman Name Chart: The Gods

Zeus Jupiter Lord of the sky and supreme ruler of the gods. Known for throwing lightening bolts.
Poseidon Neptune Ruler of the sea. Brother of Zeus. Carried a three-pronged spear known as a trident.
Hades Pluto Ruler of the underworld and the dead. Brother of Zeus. Had a helmet which rendered its wearer invisible.
Hestia Vesta A virgin goddess and sister of Zeus. No distinct personality or part in myths. Goddess of the Hearth, the symbol of the home.
Hera Juno Zeus’s wife and sister. Protector of marriage, spent most of her time punishing the many women Zeus fell in love with. Likes cows and peacocks.
Ares Mars God of war and son of Zeus and Hera. Likes vultures and dogs.
Athena Minerva Daughter of Zeus alone. No mother.(?) She sprang from his head full-grown and in full armor. The protector of civilized life, handicrafts, and agriculture. Invented the bridle, and first to tame the horse. Likes Athens, olives, and owls.
Apollo Apollo Son of Zeus. Master musician, archer god, healer, god of light, god of truth, sun god. A busy god who likes the laurel tree, dolphins, and crows.
Aphrodite Venus Daughter of Zeus. Goddess of Love and Beauty. Likes the myrtle tree, doves, sparrows, and swans.
Hermes Mercury Son of Zeus. Wore wings on his sandals and his hat, thus was graceful and swift.
Artemis Diana Apollo’s twin sister and daughter of Zeus. Lady of wild things and huntsman to the gods. As Apollo is the Sun, Artemis is the moon.
Hephaestus Vulcan Son of Hera, God of Fire. The only ugly and deformed god. Makes armor and weapons forged under volcanoes.

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